Thursday, 26 May 2011


So I said I wasn't gona address this issue but I'm a lil disturbed by it all. I genuinely LOVE Beyonce, with all my Diva, teenage, wana be a black Goddess heart but she's making it damn hard to keep up this unshakable love. First it was the Single Ladies video that was a blatant copy of a Bob Fosse routine and now the Billboard Awards performance. So the Italian performer Lorella Cuccarini did a very simlar performance last year at the Sanremo Music Festival, watch the video for the comparisons-
Beyonce has addressed the situation by saying "My makeup artist showed me the performance of Lorella Cuccarini a year ago, and it inspired me so much". As Lady Gagagogo told us so eloquently in her V magazine column, its OK to take inspiration from other's. But I think this is what we call Swagger Jacking not just being inspired. She worked with the same team that produced Lorella's performance so part of me kinda thinks they are to blame as they should have switched up the graphics more. What do you think? Swagger Jacker or inspired artist?  

1 comment:

  1. I think she swagger-jacked this artist. She is so smart in what she does, she copies from lesser known artists from around the world so people won't find out. But she was wrong. This is the woman who wants to be our icon, but she never will be one. She even copies off of newer artists. she is ridiculous.
